sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

Y ya con el ultimo concierto de la serie: "War and Peace" - Vladimir Jurowski conducts Shostakovich, Dallapiccola and Schulhoff – With the Borodin Quartet

Erwin Schulhoff

Concerto for String Quartet with Wind Orchestra

Luigi Dallapiccola

Canti di prigionia (Songs of Imprisonment)

1. PRAYER of Mary Stuart (1587)
to Paul Collaer
O Domine Deus! speravi in Te. O Lord God, in you have I hoped.
O care mi Jesu! nunc libera me. O my dear Jesus, now set me free.
In dura catena, in misera poena, In harsh shackles, in wretched punishment,
desidero Te. I yearn for you.
Languendo, gemendo et genu flectendo, Languishing, groaning and kneeling before you,
Adoro, imploro, I worship, I implore
ut liberes me. that you set me free. 

2. INVOCATION of Boethius (525)
to Ernest Ansermet
Felix qui potuit boni Happy is the one who could look upon
fonten visere lucidum the radiant fountain of goodness.
Felix qui potuit gravis Happy the one who could loosen
terrae solvere vincula. the fetters of the heavy earth. 

3. FAREWELL of Girolamo Savonarola (1498)
to Sandro and Luisa Materassi
Premat mundus, Let the world press hard
insurgeant hostes, nihil timeo let enemies surge, nothing do I fear
Quoniam in Te Domine speravi, because in you, Lord, I have hoped,
Quoniam Tu es spes mea, because you are my hope,
Quoniam Tu altissimum because you have established
posuisti refugium tuum. on high your refuge. 


Symphony No. 8

String Quartet No. 3 in F Major, Op. 73

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